Urban Hen Program

The Town of Nobleford allows residents to keep Urban Hens within their backyard under Bylaw #681 (Urban Hen Bylaw).

The Urban Hen Program is being introduced as a pilot project for Council to judge the success of Urban Hens. The program will accept 50 applicants on a first come first serve basis. 

Applicants will need to complete an Urban Hen Application Form, and submit it to the Town office for approval. Once the application and associated fees are received, an inspection will occur to ensure all requirements are being met before the issuance of a license. Chickens shall not be obtained until approval of the License.

License holders will undergo a probationary period of 1 year, in which they must successfully complete by ensuring no contraventions of the bylaw occur.


  • You must be over 18 years of age to apply.
  • You must be the owner of the property of have secured written permission form the property owner, as a requirement for approval of you Urban Hen License.
  • You will need to acquire a free Premise Identification (PID) number from the Government of Alberta.
  • Confirm the number of hens you are requesting.
    • No more than 5 are permitted.
    • Roosters are prohibited.

Coop Requirements:

  • Coop must be located in the backyard, with a full fence, at least 1.5m from the side or rear of yard, and no more than 2m in height.
  • At least 0.37m2 of interior floor area, and at least 0.92mof outdoor enclosure.
  • At least one nest per box per coop and one perch per Urban Hen that is at least 15cm long.
  • Be constructed to prevent any rodent from harboring underneath, within, or within its wall, and to prevent entrance by other animals.
  • Be secured at all times.
  • Waterer.
  • Feeder.
  • Light.
  • Ventilation.


A License holder must:

  • Keep each Urban Hen in the coop at all times.
  • Provide each Urban Hen with food, water, shelter, light, ventilation, care, and opportunities for essential behaviors such as scratching, dust-bathing, and roosting, all sufficient to maintain the Urban Hen in good health.
  • Maintain the coop in good repair and sanitary condition, and free from vermin and noxious or offensive smells and substances.
  • Remove leftover feed, trash, and manure in a timely manner.
  • Store manure within a fully enclosed container, and store no more than 85 litres/3 cubic feet of manure at all times.
  • Follow biosecurity procedures outlined by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to reduce potential for disease outbreak.
  • Keep Urban Hens for personal use only. No person shall:
    • Sell eggs, manure, meat, or other products derived from an Urban Hen.
    • Slaughter any Urban Hen on the property.
    • Dispose of an Urban Hen except by delivering it to a farm, abattoir, veterinarian, or other operation that is lawfully permitted to dispose of such.
    • Keep an Urban Hen in a cage, kennel, or any other form of shelter other than a coop.